Seed Tender
Convey-All Seed Tender
The Convey-All Seed Tender offers versatile and efficient solutions for transporting and delivering seed varieties, grain, and fertiliser.
With features such as multiple compartments, stainless steel construction, and advanced unloading systems, Seed Tenders ensure gentle and damage-free handling of products.
Their innovative design allows for the simultaneous carriage of different materials, without the risk of cross-contamination.
The inclusion of self-contained hydraulics, remote control capabilities, and camera packages enhances user convenience and operational accuracy.
Ideal for both large-scale and specialised agricultural tasks, Convey-All Seed Tenders significantly reduce downtime during seeding, harvesting, and market transportation, ensuring seamless year-round productivity.
Key features:
- Multiple Compartments
- Advanced Unloading Systems
- LED Indicators and Lights
- Two-Stage Coating System
- Camera Package